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Macbeth Color Palette

Brett Tom

Custom Color Palettes

Create a custom color palette with original names for colors for the following:

1. Any 2 characters in Macbeth (for example, "Banquo" and "Macbeth")

2. Any 2 scenes in Macbeth (for example, the witches' prophecy scene in the beginning and the "out out damned spot" scene)

3. Macbeth the play as a whole. (for this you might want to think about themes, such as fear, guilt, ambition, violence, abuse of power, madness)


This is the palette I chose for the character Macbeth. The first color, I call new beginnings. The book starts with Macbeth, who is fighting in the war. Nothing seems wrong about him, which is why the color is green. Everything is starting off well. The second color, I call royalty. This is due to Macbeth being named Thane of Cawdor. He is now a public figure, being crowned with gold. That is why the color is yellow. My next color I call “sour lemon”. At this point, things turn sour. Macbeth kills King Duncan and plans to murder other people, murdering Banquo and Macduff’s family. I tried to make this look like a lemon. My final color of the palette is red. The red is to represent violence. At the end of the book, Macbeth is murdered and there is a lot of gore and blood. The red also represents blood. I called this color, “bloody king”.

King Duncan

This palette is based off of King Duncan. The first color I chose was a baby blue color, called crystal clear. Everyting seems to be peachy and clear. The next color I chose was the color yellow, called “the reign of scotland”. The yellow represents Duncan being King of Scotland. My next color is the color green, called “welcome to paradise”. The green represents when Duncan stayed at Macbeth’s castle. Ducan and Macbeth was getting along and Macbeth welcomed Duncan with open arms. My final color is red, called “never judge a book by its cover”. The red represents Macbeth stabbing Duncan in the back. Not only did he literally stab Duncan to his death, but he did it for power.

Macduff vs Macbeth

This is the palette I chose for the Macduff vs Macbeth scene. The first color is called “clash”. The red represents the blood and violence that was shown in this scene. The next color I chose was grey, representing the swords. Macduff and Macbeth fought to the death was swords. When I thought of swords, I thought of the color grey, since the color of swords are usually grey. The next color I chose was pink, and it was called “c section”. During the fight, Macduff told Macbeth that he was born from caesarian section. When I think of childbirth, the babies are usually a little pink when they are born. The next color I chose was called “new day”. After murdering Macbeth, there was a new ruler of Scotland, Malcolm. This meant that tomorrow is going to be a new day and a sign of good things to come. I chose the color green to represent good things to come.

Murder of King Duncan

This was the color palette I chose to represent the murder of King Duncan. The first color I chose was the color purple. I named it “grape vines”. In the scene, Lady Macbeth makes the chamberlains drunk by giving them wine. The color purple represents the wine. The next color I chose was the color grey. Grey is a mix of white black. This was the first evil act taken by Macbeth. It would be his first step into the evil things he would do later on. The next I chose was red. The red represents the gore and violence of Duncans murder. I call this color, “bloody hands”. My final color was the color black. I chose the color black to represent the setting of the murder. This took place at night, and it was stormy and windy. Overall, this scene was quite spooky.

Macbeth as a whole

This palette represents the play Macbeth as a whole. The first color I chose is the color yellow. Yellow represents the color of gold which is a designated color for royalty. The next color I chose was the color red. Red represents the color of blood, which is a designated color for blood and violence. The next color I chose was grey. Grey represents the mixture of black and white, good vs evil. The book of Macbeth shows us the blurred lines between good and evil actions. It is a story which tells us how the duality between good and evil is often blurred and unable to be distinguished very often as either side. My final color for the padlet is the color black. This story tells us a tale of a man‘s descent towards violence and death and the undoing of his humanity. Ultimately this story is full of murder, deciet, betrayal, and darkness.


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